We can merge multiple PDF files into one PDF file

How to merge multiple PDF files into one

With the help of our service, you can easily merge several PDF files into one PDF file. To do this, you need to place several PDF files on your personal computer, then go to the site combinepdf.net, then select your PDF files and upload to the site.

combinepdf org

After clicking on the "LOAD" button, the combinepdf.net site will prompt you to select your previously prepared files from your personal computer.

combinepdf org 2

Select our 2 prepared PDF files and upload to the service, after that we will see the following window

combinepdf org 3

Next step, to merge our 2 PDF files, we need to click on "Download ALL" and after that our tool will merge these 2 PDF files on the server and prompt you to download the already merged 1 PDF file.